Your tinder nest will be used to create the flame you get from the spark. Make a tinder nest out of dry grass, leaves, and bark.
The hand drill method is one of the oldest, the most primal, and the hardest to do all you need is wood, tireless hands, and some determination.
Your tinder nest will be used to create the flame you get from the spark. Make a tinder nest out of dry grass, leaves, and bark.
Cut a v-shaped cut into your fire board and make a small depression alongside to it.
The bark will be used to catch an ember from the friction between the spindle and fireboard.
Place the spindle into the depression on your fire board. Your spindle should be about 2 feet long for this to work properly. Maintain pressure on the board and start rolling the spindle between your hands. Keep doing this until an ember is formed on the fireboard.
Once you see a glowing ember, tap the fire board to drop you ember onto the piece of bark. Transfer the bark to your nest of tinder. Gently blow on it to start your flame.
Using a lens to start a fire is an easy matchless method. All you need is some sort of lens in order to focus sunlight on a specific spot, here’s how to do it.
A magnifying glass, eyeglasses, or binocular lenses all work. If you add some water to the lens, you can intensify the beam. Angle the lens towards the sun in order to focus the beam into as small an area as possible. Put your tinder nest under this spot and you’ll soon have yourself a fire.
The only drawback to the lens based method is that it only works when you have sun. So if it’s nighttime or overcast, you won’t have any luck.
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